As the lead designer, I was responsible for the design of a new wing restaurant that would embody the edgy and daring persona of Filthy Wings. The client’s vision was to create a space that exuded a modern and contemporary vibe, with an abundance of attitude. To achieve this, we experimented with a range of materials to strike the perfect balance and create the desired atmosphere. Our approach involved combining industrial textured materials with lighting to create contrasting shadows that added depth to the space. Additionally, we incorporated a feature that would provide customers with an opportunity to capture a memorable photo, ultimately driving engagement with the brand.

Designing new concept restaurant that reflects the provocative brand

Interactive photo opportunity lets customers decided whether they want to be naughty or nice. This is a nod to the provocative brand. Call to actions were encouraged to share on social media

Modern and contemporary vibe, with an abundance of attitude

The response to our designs has been overwhelmingly positive, with both the client and customers expressing their admiration for the space. Due to the success of the initial restaurant, a second location has been opened with plans for further expansion in the future.

Filthy Wings

Office Twelve


Liverpool Kit Launch


Crocs About You