Creating a retail tool kit for Nike’s Play New campaign that would go on to be distributed  to all European territories

The Nike design team tasked us with creating a retail design campaign strategy for the Olympics, with a goal of highlighting all of Nike’s Olympic and para-Olympic athletes through a new design language. Our creative process involved developing a visually striking direction that would be cost-effective and easily adaptable for all European territories. Working closely with the Nike brand team, we landed on a flyposter image montage that showcased key athletes, repeated colours and lock-ups. The result was a powerful in-store execution that captured attention while allowing the product to speak for itself.


Office Twelve

As the lead contributor to the toolkit, I was responsible for creating all 3D design elements. Working closely with Nike’s creative director, we aimed for a simple and uncluttered aesthetic that would allow the graphics to take center stage. Our focus on bold and vibrant colours ensured that the campaign stood out and truly made an impact.

In addition to creating the 3D elements, I took on the task of producing the document. This included curating image mosaics, creating photography crops, and designing lock-up layouts. This was a truly collaborative project that allowed us to work closely with the Nike team.

A selection of sample pages from the Creative Directive

Design Adaptations

Here are some creative executions that were made using the tool kit. Although I did not work on these particular designs, they were inspired from the Olympics Play New Creative Direction.


Odlo Sports Wear